February, 1994 Edition Prepared--020894 The ARRL DXCC Countries List is also available (in full) from our Publication Sales Department for $2. In addition to the Coutries List the paper copy includes: the DXCC rules, DXCC Award Application, ARRL DXCC Field Representatives, Incoming and Outgoing QSL Bureau information and more. ARRL DXCC COUNTRIES LIST NOTE: @INDICATES ELIGIBLE FOR FIELD CHECKING. NOTE: *INDICATES CURRENT LIST OF COUNTRIES FOR WHICH QSLs MAY BE FORWARDED BY THE ARRL MEMBERSHIP OUTGOING QSL SERVICE. NOTE: #INDICATES COUNTRIES WITH WHICH U.S. AMATEURS MAY LEGALLY HANDLE THIRD-PARTY MESSAGE TRAFFIC. NOTE: &Third-party traffic permitted with special-events stations in the United Kingdom having the prefix GB only, with the exception that GB3 stations are not included in this agreement. ZONE Prefix Country Cont. ITU CQ 1A0(1) Sov. Mil. Order of Malta EU 28 15 1S(1) Spratly Is. AS 50 26 @3A* Monaco EU 27 14 3B6, 7* Agalega & St. Brandon AF 53 39 @3B8* Mauritius AF 53 39 @3B9* Rodriguez I. AF 53 39 @3C Equatorial Guinea AF 47 36 3C0 Pagalu I. AF 52 36 @3D2* Fiji OC 56 32 @3D2* Conway Reef OC 56 32 @3D2* Rotuma I. OC 56 32 @3DA#* Swaziland AF 57 38 3V Tunisia AF 37 33 3W, XV Vietnam AS 49 26 3X Guinea AF 46 35 3Y* Bouvet AF 67 38 3Y* Peter I I. AN 72 12 4J, 4K* Azerbaijan AS 29 21 4J1F* Malyj Vysotskij I. EU 29 16 @4K2, UA1* Franz Josef Land EU 75 40 4L* Georgia AS 29 21 @4P-4S* Sri Lanka AS 41 22 @4U#* ITU HQ EU 28 14 @4U* United Nations HQ NA 08 05 @4X, 4Z#* Israel AS 39 20 5A Libya AF 38 34 @5B* Cyprus AS 39 20 @5H-5I Tanzania AF 53 37 @5N-5O* Nigeria AF 46 35 5R-5S Madagascar AF 53 39 @5T(2) Mauritania AF 46 35 5U(3) Niger AF 46 35 @5V* Togo AF 46 35 @5W* Western Samoa OC 62 32 5X Uganda AF 48 37 @5Y-5Z* Kenya AF 48 37 @6V-6W(4)* Senegal AF 46 35 @6Y#* Jamaica NA 11 08 7O(5) Yemen AS 39 21 @7P* Lesotho AF 57 38 @7Q Malawi AF 53 37 @7T-7Y* Algeria AF 37 33 @8P* Barbados NA 11 08 @8Q Maldives AS/AF 41 22 @8R#* Guyana SA 12 09 9A, YU2 (6)* Croatia EU 28 15 9G(7)# Ghana AF 46 35 @9H* Malta EU 28 15 @9I-9J* Zambia AF 53 36 @9K* Kuwait AS 39 21 @9L#* Sierra Leone AF 46 35 @9M2, 4(8)* West Malaysia AS 54 28 @9M6, 8(8)* East Malaysia OC 54 28 @9N Nepal AS 42 22 @9Q-9T Zaire AF 52 36 9U(9) Burundi AF 52 36 @9V(10) Singapore AS 54 28 @9X(11) Rwanda AF 52 36 @9Y-9Z#* Trinidad & Tobago SA 11 09 @A2* Botswana AF 57 38 @A3* Tonga OC 62 32 @A4* Oman AS 39 21 A5 Bhutan AS 41 22 @A6 United Arab Emirates AS 39 21 @A7* Qatar AS 39 21 @A9* Bahrain AS 39 21 @AP-AS* Pakistan AS 41 21 @BV* Taiwan AS 44 24 @BY,BT* China AS (A) 23,24 @C2* Nauru OC 65 31 @C3* Andorra EU 27 14 @C5#* The Gambia AF 46 35 @C6* Bahamas NA 11 08 C8-9 Mozambique AF 53 37 @CA-CE#* Chile SA 14,16 12 @CE0#* Easter I. SA 63 12 @CE0#* Juan Fernandez Is. SA 14 12 CE0#* San Felix & San Ambrosio SA 14 12 @CE9/KC4^* Antarctica AN (B) (C) @CM, CO#* Cuba NA 11 08 @CN* Morocco AF 37 33 @CP#* Bolivia SA 12,14 10 @CT* Portugal EU 37 14 @CT3* Madeira Is. AF 36 33 @CU* Azores EU 36 14 @CV-CX#* Uruguay SA 14 13 @CY0* Sable I. NA 09 05 @CY9* St. Paul I. NA 09 05 D2-3 Angola AF 52 36 @D4* Cape Verde AF 46 35 @D6#(11)* Comoros AF 53 39 @DA-DL,Y2-Y9(12)*Fed. Rep. of Germany EU 28 14 @DU-DZ#* Philippines OC 50 27 E3(13) Eritrea AF 48 37 @EA-EH* Spain EU 37 14 @EA6-EH6* Balearic Is. EU 37 14 @EA8-EH8* Canary Is. AF 36 33 @EA9-EH9* Ceuta & Melilla AF 37 33 @EI-EJ* Ireland EU 27 14 EK* Armenia AS 29 21 @EL#* Liberia AF 46 35 EP-EQ Iran AS 40 21 ER* Moldovia EU 29 16 @ES* Estonia EU 29 15 ET Ethiopia AF 48 37 EU, EV, EW* Belarus EU 29 16 EX* Kyrgystan AS 30,31 17 EY* Tajikistan AS 30 17 EZ* Turkmenistan AS 30 17 @F* France EU 27 14 @FG* Guadeloupe NA 11 08 @FJ, FS(1)* Saint Martin NA 11 08 @FH(11)* Mayotte AF 53 39 @FK* New Caledonia OC 56 32 @FM* Martinique NA 11 08 FO* Clipperton I. NA 10 07 @FO* French Polynesia OC 63 32 @FP* St. Pierre & Miquelon NA 09 05 FR/G(14)* Glorioso Is. AF 53 39 FR/J, E(14)* Juan de Nova, Europa AF 53 39 @FR* Reunion AF 53 39 FR/T* Tromelin I. AF 53 39 @FT8W* Crozet I. AF 68 39 @FT8X* Kerguelen Is. AF 68 39 @FT8Z* Amsterdam & St. Paul Is. AF 68 39 @FW* Wallis & Futuna Is. OC 62 32 @FY* French Guiana SA 12 09 @G, GX*& England EU 27 14 @GD, GT* Isle of Man EU 27 14 @GI, GN* Northern Ireland EU 27 14 @GJ, GH* Jersey EU 27 14 @GM, GS* Scotland EU 27 14 @GU, GP* Guernsey EU 27 14 @GW, GC* Wales EU 27 14 @H4* Solomon Is. OC 51 28 @HA, HG* Hungary EU 28 15 @HB* Switzerland EU 28 14 @HB* Liechtenstein EU 28 14 @HC-HD#* Ecuador SA 12 10 @HC8-HD8#* Galapagos Is. SA 12 10 @HH#* Haiti NA 11 08 @HI#* Dominican Republic NA 11 08 @HJ-HK#* Colombia SA 12 09 @HK0#* Malpelo I. SA 12 09 @HK0#* San Andres & Providencia NA 11 07 @HL* South Korea AS 44 25 @HO-HP#* Panama NA 11 07 @HQ-HR#* Honduras NA 11 07 @HS* Thailand AS 49 26 @HV* Vatican EU 28 15 @HZ* Saudi Arabia AS 39 21 @I* Italy EU 28,37 15,33 @IS, IM* Sardinia EU 28 15 @J2* Djibouti AF 48 37 @J3#* Grenada NA 11 08 @J5 Guinea-Bissau AF 46 35 @J6#* St. Lucia NA 11 08 @J7#* Dominica NA 11 08 @J8#* St. Vincent NA 11 08 @JA-JS* Japan AS 45 25 @JD1(15)* Minami Torishima OC 90 27 @JD1(16)* Ogasawara AS 45 27 @JT-JV* Mongolia AS 32,33 23 @JW* Svalbard EU 18 40 @JX* Jan Mayen EU 18 40 @JY#* Jordan AS 39 20 @K,W,N, AA-AK# United States of America NA 6,7,83,4,5 @KC6(17) Belau (W. Caroline Is.) OC 64 27 @KG4#* Guantanamo Bay NA 11 08 @KH0# Mariana Is. OC 64 27 KH1# Baker & Howland Is. OC 61 31 @KH2#* Guam OC 64 27 @KH3#* Johnston I. OC 61 31 @KH4# Midway I. OC 61 31 KH5# Palmyra & Jarvis Is. OC 61,62 31 KH5K# Kingman Reef OC 61 31 @KH6#* Hawaii OC 61 31 @KH7# Kure I. OC 61 31 @KH8# American Samoa OC 62 32 @KH9# Wake I. OC 65 31 @KL7#* Alaska NA 1,2 1 KP1# Navassa I. NA 11 08 @KP2#* Virgin Is. NA 11 08 @KP4#* Puerto Rico NA 11 08 KP5(18)# Desecheo I. NA 11 08 @LA-LN* Norway EU 18 14 @LO-LW#* Argentina SA 14,16 13 @LX* Luxembourg EU 27 14 @LY, UP* Lithuania EU 29 15 @LZ* Bulgaria EU 28 20 @OA-OC#* Peru SA 12 10 @OD Lebanon AS 39 20 @OE* Austria EU 28 15 @OF-OI* Finland EU 18 15 @OH0* Aland Is. EU 18 15 @OJ0* Market Reef EU 18 15 OK-OL(19)* Czech Republic EU 28 15 OM(19)* Slovak Republic EU 28 15 @ON-OT* Belgium EU 27 14 @OX* Greenland NA 5,75 40 @OY* Faroe Is. EU 18 14 @OZ* Denmark EU 18 14 @P2(20)* Papua New Guinea OC 51 28 @P4(21)* Aruba SA 11 09 @PA-PI* Netherlands EU 27 14 @PJ2, 4, 9* Bonaire,Curacao (Neth. Antilles) SA 11 09 @PJ5-8* St.Maarten,Saba, St.Eustatius NA 11 08 @PP-PY#* Brazil SA (D) 11 @PP0-PY0# Fernando de Noronha SA 13 11 PP0-PY0#* St. Peter & St. Paul RocksSA 13 11 @PP0-PY0#* Trindade & Martim Vaz Is.SA 15 11 @PZ* Suriname SA 12 09 S0(1),(22)* Western Sahara AF 46 33 S2 Bangladesh AS 41 22 S5, YU3(7)* Slovenia EU 28 15 @S7 Seychelles AF 53 39 @S9* Sao Tome & Principe AF 47 36 @SA-SM* Sweden EU 18 14 @SN-SR* Poland EU 28 15 @ST* Sudan AF 48 34 @ST0* Southern Sudan AF 47,48 34 @SU* Egypt AF 38 34 @SV-SZ* Greece EU 28 20 SV/A* Mount Athos EU 28 20 @SV5* Dodecanese EU 28 20 @SV9* Crete EU 28 20 @T2(23) Tuvalu OC 65 31 @T30 W. Kiribati (Gilbert Is.)OC 65 31 @T31 C. Kiribati (Brit. Phoenix Is.) OC 62 31 @T32 E. Kiribati (Line Is.) OC 61,63 31 @T33 Banaba I. (Ocean I.) OC 65 31 T5 Somalia AF 48 37 @T7* San Marino EU 28 15 T9,4N4 4O4,YU4(24)* Bosnia-Herzegovina EU 28 15 @TA-TC* Turkey EU/AS 39 20 @TF* Iceland EU 17 40 @TG, TD#* Guatemala NA 11 07 @TI, TE#* Costa Rica NA 11 07 @TI9#* Cocos I. NA 11 07 @TJ Cameroon AF 47 36 @TK* Corsica EU 28 15 @TL(25) Central Africa AF 47 36 TN(26) Congo AF 52 36 @TR(27)* Gabon AF 52 36 TT(28) Chad AF 47 36 @TU(29)* Ivory Coast AF 46 35 @TY(30) Benin AF 46 35 @TZ(31) Mali AF 46 35 UA1,3,4,6* European Russia EU (E) 16 UA2* Kaliningrad EU 29 15 UA8,9,0 * Asiatic Russia AS (F) (G) UB, UT, UY* Ukraine EU 29 16 UC* Belarus EU 29 16 UD* Azerbaijan AS 29 21 UF* Georgia AS 29 21 UG* Armenia AS 29 21 UH* Turkmenistan AS 30 17 UI* Uzbekistan AS 30 17 UJ* Tajikistan AS 30 17 UL* Kazakhstan AS 29-31 17 UM* Kyrgyzstan AS 30,31 17 UO* Moldova EU 29 16 @V2#* Antigua & Barbuda NA 11 08 @V3#* Belize NA 11 07 @V4(32)# St.Kitts & Nevis NA 11 08 @V5* Namibia AF 57 38 @V6(33) Micronesia (E.Caroline Is.) OC 65 27 @V7#* Marshall Is. OC 65 31 @V8* Brunei OC 54 28 @VE, VO, VY#* Canada NA (H) 1-5 @VK#* Australia OC (I) 29,30 VK0#* Heard I. AF 68 39 @VK0#* Macquarie I. OC 60 30 @VK9C#* Cocos-Keeling Is. OC 54 29 @VK9L#* Lord Howe I. OC 60 30 @VK9M#* Mellish Reef OC 56 30 @VK9N#* Norfolk I. OC 60 32 @VK9W#* Willis I. OC 55 30 @VK9X#* Christmas I. OC 54 29 @VP2E(32) Anguilla NA 11 08 @VP2M(32) Montserrat NA 11 08 @VP2V(32)* British Virgin Is. NA 11 08 @VP5* Turks & Caicos Is. NA 11 08 @VP8* Falkland Is. SA 16 13 @VP8, LU* South Georgia I. SA 73 13 @VP8, LU* South Orkney Is. SA 73 13 @VP8, LU* South Sandwich Is. SA 73 13 @VP8, LU, CE9, HF0, 4K1* South Shetland Is. SA 73 13 @VP9* Bermuda NA 11 05 @VQ9* Chagos Is. AF 41 39 @VR6# Pitcairn I. OC 63 32 @VS6, VR2* Hong Kong AS 44 24 @VU* India AS 41 22 @VU* Andaman & Nicobar Is. AS 49 26 @VU* Laccadive Is. AS 41 22 @XA-XI#* Mexico NA 10 06 XA4-XI4#* Revilla Gigedo NA 10 06 @XT(34) Burkina Faso AF 46 35 XU Cambodia AS 49 26 XW Laos AS 49 26 @XX9 Macao AS 44 24 XY-XZ Myanmar AS 49 26 YA Afghanistan AS 40 21 @YB-YH(33)* Indonesia OC 51,54 28 YI Iraq AS 39 21 @YJ* Vanuatu OC 56 32 YK* Syria AS 39 20 @YL, UQ* Latvia EU 29 15 @YN#* Nicaragua NA 11 07 @YO-YR* Romania EU 28 20 @YS#* El Salvador NA 11 07 @YT-YU, YZ* Yugoslavia EU 28 15 @YV-YY#* Venezuela SA 12 09 YV0#* Aves I. NA 11 08 @Z2* Zimbabwe AF 53 38 Z3,4N5,4O4, YU5(2)* Macedonia EU 28 15 ZA* Albania EU 28 15 @ZB2* Gibraltar EU 37 14 @ZC4(36)* UK Sov. Base Areas on Cyprus AS 39 20 @ZD7 St. Helena AF 66 36 @ZD8* Ascension I. AF 66 36 @ZD9 Tristan da Cunha & Gough I. AF 66 38 @ZF* Cayman Is. NA 11 08 ZK1* N. Cook Is. OC 62 32 @ZK1* S. Cook Is. OC 62 32 @ZK2* Niue OC 62 32 ZK3 Tokelau Is. OC 62 31 @ZL-ZM* New Zealand OC 60 32 @ZL7* Chatham Is. OC 60 32 ZL8* Kermadec Is. OC 60 32 ZL9* Auckland & Campbell Is. OC 60 32 @ZP#* Paraguay SA 14 11 @ZR-ZU* South Africa AF 57 38 ZS0, 1* Penguin Is. AF 57 38 @ZS8* Prince Edward & Marion Is.AF 57 38 ZS9(37)* Walvis Bay AF 57 38 NOTES: 1 Unofficial prefix. 2 (5T)Only contacts made June 20, 1960, and after, count for this country. 3 (5U)Only contacts made August 3, 1960, and after, count for this country. 4 (6W)Only contact made June 20, 1960, and after, count for this country. 5 (70)Only contacts made May 22, 1990, and after, count for this country. 6 (9A,YU2,S5,YU3)Only contacts made June 26, 1991, and after, count for this country. 7 (9G)Only contacts made March 5, 1957, and after, count for this country. 8 (9M2,4,6,8)Only contacts made September 16, 1963, and after count for this country. 9 (9U, 9X)Only contacts made July 1, 1962, and after, count for this country. 10 (9V)Contacts made from September 16, 1963 to August 8, 1965, count for this for West Malaysia. 11 (D6,FH8)Only contacts made July 15, 1975, and after, count for this country. 12 (DA-DL, Y2-Y9)Only contacts made with DA-DL stations September 17,1973, and after, and contacts made Y2-Y9 stations October 3, 1990 and after, count for this country. 13 (E3) Only contacts made November 14, 1962, and before, or May 24, 1991, and after, count for this country. 14 (FR)Only contacts made June 25, 1960, and after, count for this country. 15 (JD)Formerly Marcus Island. 16 (KC6)Formerly Bonin and Volcano Islands 17 (KC6)Includes Yap Islands December 31, 1980, and before. 18 (KP5,KP4)Only contacts made March 1, 1979, and after, count for this country. 19 (OK-OL, OM)Only contacts made January 1, 1993, and after, count for this countr. 20 (P2)Only contacts made September 16, 1975, and after count for this country. 21 (P4)Only contacts made January 1, 1986, and after, count for this country. 22 (S0)Contacts with Rio de Oro (Spanish Sahara), EA9, also count for this country. 23 (T2)Only contacts made January 1, 1976, and after, count for this country. 24 (T9,4N4,4O4,YU4)Only contacts made October 15, 1991, and after, count for this country. 25 (TL)Only contacts made August 13, 1960, and after, count for this country. 26 (TN)Only contacts made August 15, 1960, and after, count for this country. 27 (TR)Only contacts made August 17, 1960, and after, count for this country. 28 (TT)Only contacts made August 11, 1960, and after, count for this country. 29 (TU)Only contacts made August 7, 1960, and after, count for this country. 30 (TY)Only contacts made August 1, 1960, and after, count for this country. 31 (TZ)Only contacts made June 20, 1960, and after, count for this country. 32 (V4,VP2)For DXCC credit for contacts made May 31, 1958, and before, see page 97, June 1958 QST. 33 (V6,KC6)Includes Yap Islands January 1, 1981, and after. 34 (XT)Only contacts made August 16, 1960, and after, count for this country. 35 (YB)Only contacts made May 1, 1963, and after, count for this country. 36 (ZC4)Only contacts made August 16, 1960, and after, count for this country. 37 (ZS9)Only contacts made September 1, 1977, and after, count for this country. ^ Also 3Y, 4K1, 8J1, AT0, DP0, FT8Y, LU, OR4, VK0, VP8, ZL5, ZS1, ZX0, etc. QSL via country under whose auspices the particular station is operating. The availability of a third- party traffic agreement and a QSL Bureau applies to the country under whose auspices the particular station is operating. Zone Notes can be found with Prefix Cross References. Deleted Countries Total: 56 DELETED COUNTRIES Credit for any of these countries can be given if the date of contact in question agrees with the date(s) shown in the corresponding footnote. ZONE Prefix Country Cont. ITU CQ (2) Blenheim Reef AF 41 39 (3) Geyser Reef AF 53 39 (4) Abu Ail Is. AS 39 21 1M(1),(5) Minerva Reef OC 62 32 4W(6) Yemen Arab Rep. AS 39 21 7J1(7) Okino Tori-shima AS 45 27 8Z4(8) Saudi Arabia/Iraq Neut. Zone AS 39 21 8Z5, 9K3(9) Kuwait/Saudi Arabia Neut. Zone AS 39 21 9S4(10) Saar EU 28 14 9U5(11) Ruanda-Urundi AF 52 36 AC3(1), (12) Sikkim AS 41 22 AC4(1), (13) Tibet AS 41 23 C9(14) Manchuria AS 33 24 CN2(15) Tangier AF 37 33 CR8(16) Damao, Diu AS 41 22 CR8(16) Goa AS 41 22 CR8, CR10(17) Portuguese Timor OC 54 28 DA-DM(18) Germany EU 28 14 DM, Y2-9(19) German Dem. Rep. EU 28 14 EA9(20) Ifni AF 37 33 FF(22) French West Africa AF 46 35 FH, FB8(23) Comoros AF 53 39 FI8(24) French Indo-China AS 49 26 FN8(25) French India AS 41 22 FQ8(26) Fr. Equatorial Africa AF 47,52 36 HK0(27) Bajo Nuevo NA 11 08 HK0,KP3,KS4(27)Serrana Bank & Roncador Cay NA 11 07 I1(28) Trieste EU 28 15 I5(29) Italian Somaliland AF 48 37 JZ0(30) Netherlands N. Guinea OC 51 28 KR6,8,JR6, KA6(31) Okinawa (Ryukyu Is.) AS 45 25 KS4(32) Swan Is. NA 11 07 KZ5(33) Canal Zone NA 11 07 OK-OM(34) Checkoslovakia EU 28 15 P2, VK9(35) Papua Territory OC 51 28 P2, VK9(35) Terr. New Guinea OC 51 28 PK1-3(36) Java OC 54 28 PK4(36) Sumatra OC 54 28 PK5(36) Netherlands Borneo OC 54 28 PK6(36) Celebe & Molucca Is. OC 54 28 UN1(37) Karelo-Finnish Rep. EU 19 16 VO(38) Newfoundland, Labrador NA 09 02,05 VQ1, 5H1(39) Zanzibar AF 53 37 VQ6(40) British Somaliland AF 48 37 VQ9(41) Aldabra AF 53 39 VQ9(41) Desroches AF 53 39 VQ9(41) Farquhar AF 53 39 VS2, 9M2(42) Malaya AS 54 28 VS4(42) Sarawak OC 54 28 VS9A, P, S(43) People's Dem. Rep. of Yemen AS 39 21 VS9H(44) Kuria Muria I. AS 39 21 VS9K(45) Kamaran Is. AS 39 21 ZC5(42) British North Borneo OC 54 28 ZC6, 4X1(46) Palestine AS 39 20 ZD4(47) Gold Coast, Togoland AF 46 35 NOTES: 1 Unofficial prefix. 2 (Blenheim Reef)Only contacts made from May 4, 1967, to June 30, 1975, count for this country. Contacts made July 1, 1975, and after, count as Chagos (VQ9). 3 (Geysey Reef)Only contacts made from May 4, 1967, to February 28, 1978, count for this country. 4 (Abu Ail Is.)Only contacts made March 30, 1991, and before, count for this country. 5 (1M)Only contacts made from July 15, 1972, and before, count for this country. Contacts made July 16, 1972, and after, count as Tonga (A3). 6 (4W)Only contacts made before May 21, 1990, and before, count for this country. 7 (7J1)Only contacts made May 30, 1976, to November 30, 1980, country for this country. Contacts made December 1, 1980,and after country as Ogasawara (JD1). 8 (8Z4)Only contacts made December 25, 1981, and before, count for this country. 9 (8Z5,9K3)Only contacts made December 14, 1969, and before, count for this country. 10 (9S4)Only contacts made March 31, 1957, and before, count for this country. 11 (9U5)Only contacts made from July , 1960, to June 30, 1962, count for this country. Contact made July 1, 1962, and after, count as Burundi (9U) or Rwanda (9X). 12 (AC3)Only contacts made April 30, 1975, and before, count for this country. Contacts made May 1, 1975, and after, count as India (VU). 13 (AC4)Only contacts made May 30, 1974, and before, count for this country. Contact made May 31, 1974, and after, count as China (BY). 14 (C9)Only contacts made September 16, 1963, and before, count for this country. Contact made September 16, 1963, and after, count as China (BY). 15 (CN2)Only contacts made June 30, 1960, and before, count for this country. Contact made July 1, 1960, and after, count as Morocco (CN). 16 (CR8)Only contacts made December 31, 1961, and before, count for this country. 17 (CR8,CR10)Only contacts made September 14, 1976, and before, count for this country. 18 (DA-DM)Only contacts made September 16, 1973, and before, count for this country. Contacts made September 17, 1973, and after, count as eith FRG (DA-DL) or GDR (Y2-Y9). 19 (DM,Y2-Y9)Only contacts made from September 17, 1973, to October 2, 1990 count for this country. On October 3, 1990 the GDR became part of the FRG. 20 (EA9)Only contacts made May 13, 1969, and before, count for this country. 21 (FF)Only contacts made August 6, 1960, and before, count for this country. 22 (FH, FB8)Only contacts made July 5, 1975, and before, count for this country. Contacts made July 6, 1975, and after, count as Comoros (D6) or Mayotte (FH). 23 (FI8)Only contacts made December 20, 1950, and before, count for this country. 24 (FN8)Only contacts made October 31, 1954, and before, count for this country. 25 (FQ8)Only contacts made August 16, 1960, and before witl count for this country. 26 (HK,KP3,KS4)Only contacts made September 16, 1981, and before, count for this country. Contacts made September 17, 1981, and after, count as San Andres (HK). 27 (I1)Only contacts made March 31, 1957, and before, count for this country. 28 (I5)Only contacts made June 30, 1960, and before, count for this country. 29 (JZ)Only contacts made April 30, 1963, and before, count for this country. 30 (KR6,8,JR6,KA6)Only contacts made May 14, 1972, and before, count for this country. Contacts made May 15, 1972, and after, count as Japan (JA). 31 (KS4)Only contacts made August 31, 1972, and before, count for this country. Contacts made September 1, 1972, and after, count as Honduras (HR). 32 (KZ5)Only contacts made September 30, 1979, and before, count for this country. 33 (OK-OM)Only contacts made December 31, 1992, and before, count for this country. 34 (P2,VK9)Only contacts made September 15, 1975, and before, count for this country. Contacts made September 16, 1975, and after, count as Papua new Guinea (P2). 35 (PK1-6)Only contacts made April 30, 1963, and before, count for this country. Contact made May 1, 1963, and after, count as Indonesia. 36 (UN1)Only contacts made June 30, 1960, and before, count for this country. Contacts made July 1, 1960, and after count as European RSFSR (UA). 37 (VO)Only contacts made March 31, 1949, and before, count for this country. Contacts made April 1, 1949, and after, count as Canada (VE). 38 (VQ1,5H1)Only contacts made May 31, 1974, and before, count for this country. Contacts made June 1, 1974, and after, count as Tanzania (5H). 39 (VQ6)Only contacts made June 30, 1960, and before, count for this country. 40 (VQ9)Only contacts made June 28, 1976, and before, count for this country. Contacts made June 29, 1976, and after, count as Seychelles (S7). 41 (VS2,VS4,ZC5,9M2)Only contacts made September 15, 1963, and before, count for this country. contact made September 16, 1963, and after, count as West malaysia (9M2) ro East Malaysia (9M6,8). 42 (VS9A,P,S)Only contacts made before May 22, 1990, and before, count for this country. 43 (VS9H)Only contacts made November 29, 1967, and before, count for this country. 44 (VS9K)Only contacts made on March 10, 1982, and before, count for this country. 45 (ZC6,4X1)Only contacts made June 30, 1968, and before, count for this country.Contacts made July 1, 1968, and after, count as Israel (4X). 46 (ZD4)Only contacts made March 5, 1957, and before, count for this country.